Housing Production Plan updated

(July 21, 2021) The Select Board approved an updated Housing Production Plan (HPP) today, which covers the 2021-2026 timeframe. The primary stated goal is to maintain Safe Harbor status, which requires the creation at least 24 new affordable housing units per year. The town intends to increase both rental and ownership options for a variety of income levels, provide age-restricted housing for seniors, distribute affordable housing through more neighborhoods, and protect existing year-round housing from being converted to seasonal use. Judi Barrett of Barrett Planning Group presented a synopsis of the plan, which you can view by clicking here.

Once it is ratified by the state’s Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), this plan will replace Nantucket’s 2016 HPP. During the period 2016-2021, the town increased its affordable housing stock from 2 percent of all year-round housing to 5.5 percent, or 273 residences. Having an approved HPP is a condition of maintaining Safe Harbor status, which protects a community from unfriendly 40B development. Nantucket’s current Safe Harbor status expires in June 2022.