Foundations set at Wiggles Way

Full steam ahead

(March 29, 2022) We poured foundations for two of the eight buildings at 31 Fairgrounds Road this month, on track to complete our Wiggles Way project later this year. Many community members have inquired how one can apply for these affordable rental apartments, as well as the eligibility requirements and the methodology of how we will select tenants.

Application Process

Because we designed this property to serve a range of income brackets, we will choose our tenant households in one of two ways: by lottery or from our Ready-to-Rent list. It is helpful for households to know where they fall within the Area’s Median Income limits to understand which application process is relevant for them.

Income Qualification

Half of the apartments in this development will serve households earning 50-80% AMI. Applicants in this income bracket will participate in a lottery, the specific details of which we will announce as the project nears completion. We will select households earning 81-150% AMI from our Ready-to-Rent list. Ready-to-Rent applications are accepted on a rolling basis. If you are in need of a rental, we suggest you submit a completed application now. This way, we can consider you for any vacancies within our rental inventory.

Bedroom Eligibility

The Wiggles Way development will contain one, two, and three-bedroom apartments. We allow no more than two people in a bedroom. Adults must have separate bedrooms from children.

Allocating bedrooms for children can get a little complicated. If two children are of the same sex, they normally will share a room together. However, if two children are of opposite sex, they will require separate bedrooms. If a child is under 6 years old, they may share a bedroom with a parent.

For example, here are some bedroom allocations based on family composition:

– 1 Adult (1 BR)

– 2 Adults (1 BR)

– 2 Adults, 1 Child (2 BR)

– 2 Adults, 2 Same-Sex Children (2 BR)

– 2 Adults, 2 Opposite-Sex Children (3 BR)

– 1 Adult, 2 Same-Sex Children, 2 Opposite-Sex Children (3 BR)


We consider housing costs “affordable” when they do not exceed 30% of a household’s income. Housing Nantucket uses this formula to determine affordable rent for a tenant. Monthly rent for income-qualified tenants will not exceed the Fair Market Rent, which the US Department Housing and Urban Development publishes as an indicator of how much a property would cost if it were open for leasing at the moment.